Did you know that turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In India turmeric has been used for thousands of years to not only flavor and color foods, but for medicinal properties as well.

In India a drink is made called Haldi Doodh (Golden Milk), it is said to reduce inflammation in the body such as arthritis. I have occasional swelling in my lower back due to an auto accident, and work related arthritis in my neck. I prefer not to take over the counter medication, in my opinion they only block pain and do nothing for the source of the pain.

I tried the recipe after accidentally ingesting a product containing dairy. I had an excruciatingly painful flare up because of it. I made the turmeric latte and started sipping the hot tasty beverage, to my surprise, with half a cup left, I started to feel relief, my stiff neck started to loosen up. Not only does it help with arthritis, it also works as a natural decongestant relieving a stuffy nose during cold and flu season.
I am always on the look out for healthy natural remedies to life's aches and pains. So whether or not you need relief for what ales you, or just enjoy the taste of a nice spicy drink. Try making a turmeric latte.